Why we do what we do

What we truly value

Why we do what we do

Welcome! Take a seat and get comfy, because we’d like to properly introduce ourselves. 

We might not ever know why Stonehenge exists or why One Direction haven’t come back from their hiatus yet. But what we do know and what we are more than happy to share with you is why we do what we do. What better way to tell what a brand (or person) stands for than to take a look at their underlying values? Of course those of you who tuned into our branding series (in particular, volume II) already know this. 

Basically, we are puppy loving, coffee craving, creatives who are here to help. We’ve worked quite hard on our true fundamental values, so how about we dive into those?


We aren’t contestants on the newest reality dating show. No, we believe in cultivating real human relationships. By Ninja builds long-term and long-lasting relationships with those we work with. Looking at the partnership as exactly that, allowing collaboration, open communication and spending our time getting to know you and developing goals that align with your business objectives. 

Our team may do many strange things, but we have never and will never be the type to see those with whom we work as a dollar figure. We always tell you what you need to hear, regardless of whether it’s something you want to hear. Being upfront, taking accountability (and holding you accountable too), and working together to find a viable solution is what we are all about — that solution could be any one of the services we graciously offer as a design agency in Brisbane. So we will truly tell you how you look in those jeans! We are honest. And we are damn proud of that.


Our team is committed to growth. We grow as individuals, we grow as a team, we grow as By Ninja. How, you may ask? As a brand design agency in Brisbane, we thrive on living outside of our comfort zone. Being uncomfortable, trying new things, failing, and learning has helped us find the new, original and the never-been-done-before

The team’s most used word is why (with coffee being a close second). Because when you ask why enough, you can get down to the nitty gritty and begin to truly understand a concept, objective, and business. We’ve struck gold — as a brand design agency in Brisbane — in that it’s easy to have a growth mindset surrounded by our team of open minded, non judgemental ninjas. We don’t shy away from failure.


When you think about it, everything needs a purpose to thrive. Even the tiny but mighty beavers build their dams while bees work tirelessly to keep the world pollinated; #savethebees. 

Though our roles don't usually require us to deal with many rivers or much pollen, we make sure that there is meaning and direction behind everything we do. You won’t find us out here running around like headless chickens. Jumping on the next trend without a rationale is not what we’re about! Except yes, we will take two whipped coffees to go. Rationale: they look delicious and any brand design agency in Brisbane will tell you how hard it is to resist the temptation. Plus, as previously noted, we are suckers for caffeine.


We think we’re pretty great but that doesn’t mean we also don’t think we can be better! Constantly working to be and do better means you’ll always be greater than you were the day before and who doesn’t love self improvement? Not only are we trying to do better for ourselves, we want to improve the world around us. We hope to leave Earth better than we found it. 

So far, we’ve done this by respecting the planet and the people around us. What does that look like? We act in an ethical and morally sound way with a strong focus on limiting our environmental impact. We act honestly and honourably, ensuring we actively investigate and seek out better options to help properly educate our clients. From small business logo design services to extravagant branding projects, we bring a conscious and sustainable mindset to the table. 

There you have it. Why we do what we do. We hope you’ve enjoyed this insight and now it’s your turn! We’re eager to hear more about you, so please reach out so we can get to know one another even better.

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